
Welcome to the Cottage.

The Tiny Canal Cottage is a resource for helping folks mindfully conceptualize, decorate and enjoy versatile + smaller home spaces. Founded by designer, consultant, stylist, creative director and author, Whitney Leigh Morris, this family-owned small business recently finished the construction of a new, compact cottage and greenhouse-office in the southeastern US, and are also restoring a little 1800s French farmhouse and its outbuildings with co-stewards. Morris’ focus is crafting flexible, sustainable, and more community-focused home spaces. Explore Whitney’s book, blog, and social channels for years of tips and tales from living and working in — and with — a smaller footprint.

Optimization Through Simplification

Optimization Through Simplification

This post was sponsored by Rethink Water. All words and opinions are my own. All images of West were taken by me while my son was engaging naturally and happily in his own way.

west gardening.jpg

On a recent routine visit to the doctor, we were told that our 1 year old son should be drinking much more water than he is, and should be drinking less milk now that he’s no longer nursing. Shortly thereafter, this sentiment was echoed by the director of a preschool that we visited. 

However, our sweet boy wouldn’t drink anything but milk or elaborate homemade green juices. (We don’t give him store-bought juices, as most are pumped full of sugar and often housed in plastic containers.) Both the milk and the green juices aren’t ideal for all of our sunny, outdoor playroom/porch and adventures throughout Venice. And neither substance is fun to clean from the car, stroller, or sofa. 


We tried fresh-squeezed lemon water, orange-infused water, and sparkling water, all with no luck. Luckily, a week later, we were introduced to Rethink Water, which checked off all the boxes.


✅🌎 Rethink Water is contained in FCS certified paperboard that’s 100% recyclable. (Why is anyone still buying products that come in single-use plastic bottles?!) 


✅0⃣ It has zero sugar, zero calories, and zero sodium. 
✅🍏 It’s simple, organically flavored water. 
✅💧 It doesn’t leave a sticky mess behind. (This helps, as West regularly tries to water our greenery with his beverages.)
✅🚣 It’s easy to grab-and-go for our bike rides, walks on the canals, and visits to the beach.
✅☀  When West and Adam are on the playroom/porch or romping around in the garden, it won’t go bad if its accidentally left in the sun for a bit.


✅🎨 The carton artwork is adorable, and the containers are the perfect size for tossing into a stroller or bag. West also enjoys the boxes as toys— he usually grabs more than one at a time from his kitchen drawer, and stacks as many as possible.


✅♻ We even reused our first batch of cartons for West’s first gardening project.


✅👦 Most importantly, WEST ACTUALLY ENJOYS & DRINKS IT. (Hallelujah!)

Problem solved, and solved simply. (Adventure, ahoy!)


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